With all the effort put into organizing a sports camp, one of the most important aspects that affects the bottom line is often overlooked – the registration process. A clunky, outdated registration process can negatively impact the business, reduce efficiency, and even lead to lost revenue. Discover the benefits of a good sports registration process, such as improving efficiency, streamlining the registration process, and making informed business decisions.
Oftentimes, the registration process is the ‘first touch’ many participants have with your organization and brand. A solid, modern technology experience indicates an organization that knows how to run a sports program. A good sport registration technology improves the participant’s experience by making the sign up process quicker and easier. A modern sport registration experience is key to improving the participant’s happiness.
PlayyOn makes it so easy to set up a streamlined sports camp registration that helps organizers and coaches design and execute sports camps that keep athletes coming back year after year. Within minutes you can set up a profile landing page, add your program offering and attach a registration form with integrated payments. It’s that easy. No upfront fees, no contract, and you have full control.
As an admin, you want a registration tool that is easy to use and provides reports that give you data on the business side of your program. Automating many of the manual tasks associated with registration can free up both time and resources. A good sports registration platform should streamline the registration process, improve efficiency, and allow the organizers to make informed decisions about the business.
The landing page for registration should be a key marketing asset. It should present details about the program and present an easy and user-friendly experience for athletes (and their parents), which enables them to register for sports camps and programs from any device at any time. Create a landing page that presents details about the program and provides an easy and user-friendly registration experience for athletes to register for sports camps and programs from any device at any time.